Black Garlic Box

Black Garlic Box
Trending Product and Staff Favorite!
Black garlic has become a sought-after ingredient used in high-end cuisine. Garlic is fermented and over time becomes dark and sweet with hints of balsamic vinegar, molasses and tamarind. Black garlic adds depth, delicateness and a bit of mystery to every dish. It’s the ultimate umami experience.
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What your Black Garlic Box contains:
Florida Pure Sea Salt | Black Garlic Infused Sea Salt 2.3oz Glass Jar
Small Earth Foods| 5.29oz Black Garlic Cloves
Two Recipe Cards
Adorable Bamboo Salt Spoon
Because of the breakdown of natural sugars, experiencing the black garlic infused sea salt “clumpy” or “sticky” is absolutely natural. This is why you get that awesome flavor with a hint of sweetness. Pro Tip: Use a bamboo spoon to remove it from the jar, place salt into hand, then use your fingers to spread it more evenly.