Long Sleeve T-Shirt with Hood- Eco Friendly!

Long Sleeve T-Shirt with Hood- Eco Friendly!
Made with 100% ring spun cotton, you can feel good knowing microfibers will not be going into our waterways when this long sleeve tee is washed.
Many of the clothes you wear contain plastics like polyester, nylon, acrylic and polyamide. In fact, most new fabrics are made of plastic – up to 64% of them.
Every time we wash these materials they shed millions of plastic microfibres. Threads so small they can drain out of our washing machines and pass straight through wastewater treatment plants into the sea.
Things we can do to help-
1. Wash at low temperatures
A lower-temperature wash is less aggressive and therefore less likely to shake out plastic fibres.
2. Put your washing in a special bag
Use a Guppy Bag or Coraball in your washing machine. They claim to help collect the microfibres that shed from your clothes during washing.
3. Fill the washing machine
A full washing machine reduces friction between items – in other words, they don't rub against each other as much.
4. Reduce spin speeds
Faster spins dry clothes quicker but they also shake them up more, risking more plastics shedding.
5. Air dry rather than tumble dry
Tumble drying is more aggressive than air drying – and could cause your clothes to shed more plastic.
6. Use a front-loading washing machine
Tests show that top-loading washing machines probably release more plastic fibres.
7. Buy fewer fleeces
Polyester fleece could well be one of the biggest emitters of microfibres. Consider buying a woollen fleece instead.
8. Keep your clothes for longer
Your clothes are likely to shed more plastic in the first few washes – so frequently changing your wardrobe will probably increase the amount of plastic you're sending into the environment. Buy higher quality clothes that last.
“Friends of the Earth” Phil Byrne https://friendsoftheearth.uk/plastics/microfibres-plastic-in-our-clothes